^Excludes nett priced wallpaper and freight charges.
Choosing the right wallpaper can be overwhelming, but we have some helpful advice to simplify the process. Start by looking at the colours and tones of your furniture, light fixtures, floors and carpets.
Additionally, consider the room’s intended function, this will guide you in determining the most suitable wallpaper style.
For further advice visit one of our stores, where our knowledgeable staff can assist you in making the ideal selection.
There are a few steps you need to consider when installing
wallpaper such as cleaning the wall, preparing the wall surface, measuring the wall's dimensions and cutting the wallpaper accordingly. For specific advice please get in touch with our team and we’ll guide you through the process.
At Guthrie Bowron we created a wallpaper calculator tool to help you estimate how much wallpaper you need for your projects. Use the tool as a guide and talk to one of our consultants in store for further advice.